Activities & Excursions with Enforex Sevilla


Andalucía, the land of bullfights, flamenco, beaches and Arabic influences, is a stunning region brimming with history and culture. As one of our students, Enforex Sevilla wants you to explore and discover all that Sevilla and Andalucía have to offer. That's why we organize a monthly schedule of afternoon and evening activities during the week and excursions outside of the city on weekends.

Afternoon/Evening Activities

  • City tours by theme and neighborhood (Muslim Sevilla, Triana, Plaza de España...)
  • Sevillanas dance classes
  • Museum visits
  • Spanish movie nights

Weekend Excursions

Sevilla's prime location allows us to offer trips to 2 different countries - Portugal and Morocco - as well as local visits throughout Andalucía to nearby beaches, emblematic cities and small town treasures.